Supervisory Disclosure Spain Supervisory Disclosure Spain


This website was created in compliance with all content accessibility guidelines provided by the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative), an agency that was created by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) to inform, research and encourage online accessibility efforts.

The main improvements implemented

  • The font sizes are now relative, which means that the user can increase or decrease text size according to their visual needs.
  • The images and tables in the pages include a short description of the information they contain. As a result users of screen readers or text only browsers can easily understand the meaning of an image or text, and can quickly evaluate whether the information will be of interest to them.
  • The main language of each page, has been identified, in addition to any change in the natural language of the text. This will facilitate the treatment and understanding of the text by users with screen readers or voice synthesisers.
  • The pages now have a more logical internal structure, which results in quicker access to information for users who use screen readers.
  • The XHTML code and CSS used are consistent with the formal syntax approved by the W3CAbre en nueva ventana in order to ensure that they are displayed correctly by different browsers and platforms.
  • The information has been separated from its graphic presentation so that users who wish to can browse the content more quickly, if they have deactivated the downloading of style sheets in their browser.